Policies And Procedures


At the core of our operations lies the dissemination of our Oriental Gold Compliance, Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT), Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABC), and Supply Chain Management Policy. This comprehensive policy has received the stamp of approval from our Senior Management. It is our steadfast commitment that every member of our workforce adheres to this policy, and we diligently ensure that our valued suppliers are well-versed in our high standards and unwavering commitments. Our primary objective is to forge enduring partnerships with our clients. A concise overview of our Supply Chain Policy is presented below.

For detailed insights into the management system we’ve put in place to accomplish the objectives outlined in our Supply Chain Policy and to meet international standards regarding responsible sourcing, we invite you to peruse our Compliance Reports, accessible on this page.


At Oriental Gold, our unwavering commitment is to conduct our operations with the utmost dedication to both the highest business and ethical standards. We have implemented robust compliance measures and appointed dedicated officers who tirelessly monitor and mitigate risks within our supply chain. Our primary mission is to produce gold responsibly, and we continuously strive to improve and innovate in pursuit of this mission.

As a pivotal player in the supply chain, we take our responsibilities with the utmost seriousness, recognizing that the trust of our customers and partners hinges on our unwavering adherence to these standards. We’ve diligently crafted and put into practice a robust due-diligence framework, meticulously structured around risk assessment. This framework is closely aligned with the guidance provided by internationally recognized organizations such as the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), the LBMA (London Bullion Market Association), the RMI (Responsible Mineral Initiative), and the DMCC Guidance and DMCC Rules (Dubai Multi Commodities Center).

Our commitment extends beyond mere compliance; it’s a dedication to building a sustainable and responsible future for our industry, one that promotes transparency, accountability, and ethical practices. We are resolute in our endeavor to lead by example and inspire positive change throughout the supply chain, setting new standards for responsible sourcing and ethical business conduct.




At Oriental Gold, we steadfastly refuse to countenance, gain from, aid, facilitate, or contribute to any forms of torture, forced labor, human rights violations, war crimes, or any criminal activities, including but not limited to money laundering. Of paramount importance, we utterly reject any involvement with the worst manifestations of child labor, as clearly defined by the International Labor Organization Convention No. 182.

We adamantly pledge not to provide any direct or indirect support to non-state armed groups or their associates who unlawfully control or levy taxes on mines or any segment of the supply chain. Our commitment extends to eradicating any potential support, whether direct or indirect, to public or private security forces who illegitimately oversee mine sites or any other part of the supply chain.

Moreover, Oriental Gold stands unwavering in its resolve to eschew offering, seeking, or accepting bribes, and will actively resist any attempts to solicit bribes for the purpose of concealing the origin of metals or misrepresenting tax payments to governments. We have zero tolerance for all forms of bribery and corruption.

In alignment with our core values, we wholeheartedly support endeavors and contribute to the fight against money laundering. We also pledge to uphold the highest standards of environmental protection and sustainability throughout our operations.

Oriental Gold commits to rigorously assess our suppliers and transactions using a risk-based approach, supported by a robust management system designed to identify and mitigate risks. Our dedication to these principles underscores our commitment to responsible sourcing and ethical practices.

In recent decades, Dubai’s prominence has continued to rise, solidifying its reputation as the “Golden City” today.