
Privacy Policy and Personal Information Protection

1. Introduction

Welcome to the website of Oriental Gold and Gemstone Trading LLC. We are committed to protecting your personal information and complying with relevant privacy regulations. This privacy policy explains how we collect, use and protect your personal information.

2. Information Collection

When you visit our website, we may collect certain personal information from you, including your name, email address, phone number and address. We may also collect non-personal information such as IP address, browser type and operating system.

3. Purpose of Information Collection

We collect your personal information to:

Contact you regarding our products and services.
Provide information and updates about our products and services.
Order processing and product delivery.
Monitor and improve your experience on our website.
Comply with legal regulations related to personal information security.

4. Information Security

We are committed to protecting your personal information and do not share this information with any third parties other than when required by law or with your consent.

5. Right to Access, Modify and Delete Information

You have the right to access, correct and delete your personal information at any time. To do this, please contact us via the email address or phone number provided on the website.

6. Use of Cookies

We may use cookies to track your activity on the website and improve your experience. By using our website, you agree to the use of cookies.

7. Changes to Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change this privacy policy at any time. Any changes will be updated on our website.

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